The hardest thing to reconcile is the contradiction of our existence.

We are here for a moment, or, for decades…until we are not.

How do we handle that? How do we decide what to do and what is important?

The fluid worth of each moment is so hard to judge, I feel often on the wrong end of it.

Vintage Tech

Good video. It covers a lot of the issues I’ve seen first hand over the years; Dying hard drives, brittle plastics, corrosion and dead capacitors. These are a lot of issues that has plagued other technology (like old radios and video games) for years. But with the explosion of computers overt the past 30 years? We see it now more than ever.

Mother Nature

A friend posted this to Facebook this morning. I don’t follow the person that has been quoted on Twitter, but I think he’s right.

I know Mother Nature is putting the South in the oven this Summer. We got seasoned with pollen, then stuck right back in the fridge to marinate.


The new job that I started last Halloween has been good. Good place, good people and shorter commute by far (fucking Atlanta traffic 🤢).

There are issues on occasion, but that happens no matter what you do or where you go.

Life is often about degrees. Even the Disney animators that worked on Snow White (and other classics) hated their jobs, once in a while. Continue reading Conversation

My life has not been straight, in a line or otherwise