Random Link


It’s always interesting to go back to an old entry and wonder why I saved a link. The URL goes to a splogger site now, but it was originally the photography work of a girl named Ashley Arias (you can check it out the original site on Archive.org). Did I meet her? Did I just like her work? Who knows, that part of the equation is long lost in my memory.

Been Sick

Been sick since Tuesday. Mostly I’ve been drowning in my own snot, BLEH. Its still not as bad as what Angela’s been dealing with.

Its hard enough to get through the day at work, much less post anything. More when I feel like it.

Saturday Entry

Started off the day with working out in the front yard. I edged, raked and swept for a few hours and got some other random stuff done. The Halloween decorations were taken down and put away for another year. That is, except for the pumpkin. He will still sit on the front porch until he gets funky and joins last year’s in the compost bin.

Last night I cooked for Angela. I picked a recipe from the show, 30 Minute Meals, and ran with it. This one was Parmesan Crusted Chicken with potatoes, bell peppers, onions and mushrooms. I was pretty happy with the way it turned out and so was Angela. I’m glad we started this because Angela is a great cook and deserves a break sometimes.

It was also pretty relaxing, something that Angela agrees with too. I’ve been more stressed lately and I can use all the relief I can get! Its not any one thing, just been a whole lot of small ones. I’m just trying to stay focused (something which is hard for me as I get more and more stressed) and try to get things accomplished, one thing at a time.