Tweets for 6-26-09

  • Hrg, still waiting for the coffee to fully kick in #
  • RE: @comicrelated Thanks for posting the pic and doing the interview! It was great meeting you, I look forward to listen… #
  • RT @donttrythis: Text messaging fees are stupid robbery? AT&T is attempting to charge me 11k for a few hours of web surfing in Canada. #
  • Currently trying to stay awake while making price changes on tampons. This is why I got into Pre-Press, all the chicks and the glory! #
  • The tampon price changes are done, on to fabric softener and detergent…the excitement never ends! #
  • Screw this, time to get outta here and take my work home for this weekend. #
  • Lord, what a day…My brain is now going to invoke a Test Pattern…BOOOOOP… #

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