Monday Night

It’s warm tonight, warm and stuffy. A storm is near and it will cool things down, if it ever gets here.

We did the Drink & Draw at the Mellow Mushroom in Decatur this evening. It was fun, the food was great and Chris & Miracole did their usual great job with costumes and poses. I didn’t do as well as other times with drawing. I think I managed to tire my hand out with finishing two comics this afternoon. That’s ok though, it was still worth going.

Today is my brother Patrick’s 47th birthday. It’s still hard for me to think of him as that age. I think like everybody, we kinda freeze people that we don’t see on a regular basis at the age when we did. I know my family does that to me as well and I have worked for a long time to get past that. Anyway, I called him today to wish him a happy birthday. I may not see him much these days, but I still care for him.

Things have been good lately and I’m looking forward to April and May. There are a lot of ideas that I’m hoping to bring about and I’ll be curious to see how it finally plays out.