Feeling Sick

The past few weeks have been a bit of a blur, especially recently. The creeping crud I’ve dealt with the past few years has come back. I’m on a couple weeks of antibiotics now and hope it will do the trick. Is it Lyme disease? Is it something else? All I know I get tired of the joint pain and feeling sick sometimes.

Heroes Con 2013

Its hard to believe time has passed so quickly since Heroes Con this year. We decided to go on short notice, since we had other plans that didn’t work out. So, a week and a half before go time, we worked to get ready. It was a good convention and sorely needed. Time away from the grind, time with friends. I felt tired and numb at the beginning of the trip, but felt better by the end of it.

Its hard for me to give a crap these days. So much work, so much grind, so much disappointment. It wears me down and makes it hard to believe things will get better. That’s why we knew it was time for a break, whatever the cost.

There is more of course (when is there not?), but that will do for now.

My life has not been straight, in a line or otherwise