Tag Archives: Inauguration

Inauguration Day

So Barack Obama is now the 44th President of the United States. It was an impressive show, with the largest crowd to ever be in Washington D.C. for an event. The strong feeling of optimism that came from his speech and the crowd was enough to even make a political cynic hope for the best. I think it’s fitting that this takes place the day after Martin Luther King Day. As long a people are involved, race will continue to be an issue, but maybe the situation can improve over time.

Even if it takes decades, or centuries.

One thing he talked about was “a new era of responsibility”. It’s not just going to be the government that gets us out of this mess, every person in this country must accept their part of the process. The price of freedom is responsibility for your own life and your part of the big picture. Without that responsibility, freedom cannot and will not survive.

I’m curious to see if this theme lasts beyond his opening words.

(Edited 4/13/15 to remove spam, relink image.)